We went to Mt. Airy, NC last Saturday and stayed at the Mayberry campground. Mt. Airy is the hometown of Andy Griffith and the it is said to be the inspiration to Mayberry. It is also home to the Siamese twins Eng & Chang Bunker.
The town of Mt. Airy really is a neat town, especially if you know about the Mayberry connection. They use squad cars for tours. They have stores like Floyd's Barber Shop, Opies Candy Store, Wally's Filling Station, Mayberry Soda Fountain, Mayberry Courthouse, the Old City Jail, Bluebird Diner, and the Snappy Lunch.
Andy Griffith was born here and they say that he used the town of Mt. Airy as the inspiration for Mayberry in his 2 shows; The Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry R.F.D. It is even near Pilot Mountain (Mt. Pilot). The have a playhouse and museum named after him and the TV Land Statue stands in front of it.
Andy Griffith Homeplace |
TV Land Statue |
Mayberry Campground is owned by the great great grandson of one of the famous Siamese twins Eng & Chang Bunker. The owner of the campground is Eng's great great grandson. Two guys attached for life, married two sisters and had 21 children together, quite a feat. The Bunker farm was a 2000 acre tobacco plantation. At first they all lived together and slept in a bed for 4, but eventually the wives had didn't get along so they had to set up separate houses.
We only stayed for one night and then headed to Charleston, WV on Sunday.