The Twin Cities....Minnesota
Minnesota is nicknames the Land of 10,000 Lakes... well I think I saw half of them just driving in from North Dakota. Every few miles there was more water. We stayed just outside of the Twin Cities at a campground called St Paul East RV Park. It was a nice park and close to shopping. Also, Mall of America was only about 20 miles. We didn't know it was here until we saw the signs coming into town. We decided to take a drive out there and see what it was all about. WOW... First, it was built where the old Vikings/Twins stadium was. There is even a plaque in the amusement park part of the mall where the home plate used to be. It is 4 stories and yes for those who didn't catch it the first time... has an amusement park in it along with an aquarium. Lots of shopping and restaurants.

Our next task was to look around the Twin Cities. We like to pick a few places to see... usually historical or trendy I guess is the word I would use. For instance, we saw the Capitol, a couple of beautiful churches, ball parks and bridges, but we all so the Mary Tyler Moore statue. This statue is in the place where they filmed her throwing her beret in the air in the opening credits.
Also while we were here, we had a nice dinner and visit with a friend of Delbert's, Ken. It was a really fun time and boy can his wife cook.
We head to Wisconsin next.
You can view videos at Delbert's Videos on YouTube.
Gotta run.....
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